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Root out toxicity, drama, and conflict, before it kills your culture.

Everyone deals with conflict. Not everyone can resolve it amicably. I develop high-performing teams by facilitating productive conflict de-escalation and removal of toxicity.

Workplace Toxicity Can Be Devastating!


Direct and Indirect Costs Include:
  • Lost Productivity and Performance

  • Increased Turnover

  • Poor Customer Service and Care

  • Low Morale

  • Increased Liability/Lawsuits

  • Increased Bullying and Harassment

Consider This:

  • 2 million American workers are victims of workplace violence every year (962 per hour)

  • Workplace conflict costs American businesses $359 billion annually

  • 85% of employees experience conflict in the workplace

  • 60% of HR professionals believe that workplace conflict is due to bad management

  • Conflict cost companies 6% of annual revenue

  • Employees spend approximately 2.8 hours per week dealing with conflict

  • Managers spend 20 - 40% of their time dealing with conflict

I Eliminate Toxicity So Your Revenue and Performance Can Soar!

Dramatic Results Can Become Reality

Image showing that toxicity is costing valuable dollars
Image of coworkers working harmoniously together
Image of a hostile coworker and the impact that it has on others
Image showing how my services will improve customer care

Increased revenue and reduced expenses

Increased communication between all units eliminating silos and increasing achievement of organizational goals

Safer work environment by staff members being able to defuse hostile situations thereby reducing workplace violence

Improved customer care and reputation among the surrounding community

Meet Neal


I transform toxic work environments by defusing interpersonal conflicts with professional communication strategies as a foundation for high-performing teams.


My proven approach leverages deep knowledge of human behavior through 20 years of experience across the entire spectrum of workplace culture. My clients attest to the incredible shift in their team's performance once their potential is unlocked and directed towards success.

What Our Clients Say:

Image of a lady who gave a testimonial

Laurie T.

When it seems like there is no solution in sight, Neal has a great ability to help people see things in a different light. New options for challenges were developed that we not considered before.

Image of a man who gave a testimonial

Scott G.

Neal's experience has given him super-sharp perception about recognizing conflict and defusing the bomb well before it escalates.

Image of a woman who gave a testimonial

Kayla D.

I had the pleasure of working with Neal recently, and I must say it was a truly remarkable experience. His expertise in resolving conflict is unparalleled, offering valuable insights and strategic solutions that exceeded our expectations.

Take Action TODAY To Stop Wasting Money On Toxicity!


Let's Talk

Schedule a free consultation




We'll develop ways to de-escalate conflict from your organization



Learn how to accelerate your business success

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